Friday, December 2, 2011

Bell's Palsy?

I went to the emergency room yesterday morning to find out that I enjoy bell's palsy. The doctor said since I am younger and that we found it early on it should later for too long. He gave me steroids and said if anything get worse after the next year I should come back. Nothing have severed so I am fine, and I have a mild valise. I can blink my eyes, but I cant smile or chew food well. My eyebrow will not move up or down. Sometimes I own pain in the neighbourhood my ear. It comes and goes. If anyone have any idea how long this will finishing, please do not hesitate to give an account me. I have a cruise coming up surrounded by August and I really dont want to go looking similar to this. Thank you.Bell's Palsy?
It's very individual -- I've certain several people beside Bell's Palsy (all men, interestingly enough) with age ranges of 28 to mid-70s at the first start and it really depends, hard to predict apparently. Several weeks to several months. Sorry if that's discouraging news but be glad that you're on the meds and lower than a doctor's care. Apparently it go as randomly as it comes. Best of luck!
I would similar to to say that it will be gone by August, but I would not be honest; however, since you are infantile I really don't think it will ultimate as long as you think. I be 43 when I was diagnosed and the symptoms simply lasted 5 and a partially weeks. Good luck, and I hope you have fun on your cruise. If the symptoms own not passed at the time of your departure, go anyway. Relaxation is fitting therapy and I really don't deem anyone will think the smaller quantity of you for your symptoms, as they are temporary.

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