Friday, December 2, 2011

Bee sting!!?

I got stung by a bee yesterday surrounded by my foot above my heel and today it's starting to itch and there is a over-hasty that almost loops around my foot. it itches when i walk on it and its never happen to me before when i hold gotten stung by a bee. idk if im alllergic now to them or if i want to do something about this. i obligation your help, thanxBee sting!!?
I would have a sneaking suspicion that if you were severly allergic, next serious symptoms such as problems breathing would have surfaced by very soon.
Swelling, redness, itching, etc. are average for many culture after a bee sting. However, it should subside within a couple of days. If not you may bring an infection, especially if the stinger is still in the skin.
Various skin lotions can be used to slim down itch, swelling, and pain. For example, calamine lotion, hydrocortisone cream, or combination creams that contain an antihistamine, an analgesic, and a corticosteroid are commonly useful. There are also over-the-counter skin products specifically designed for the treatment of minor symptoms.
sounds to me similar to ur a allergic go to the doctos and find out becuse this is a surious concern if u are allergic
well comming from someone who basically got stung yesterday by 8 sickly jackets while adjectives the grass, I'd have to articulate your not allergic...your body is just react to the sting. my leg/sides were so itchy this morning that I have to put Sting-eeze or something like that on my is inbred that you have a unthinking and have it leg is close to twice its size and my foot looks broken lol...benadryl works well for the itching/swelling but make you sleepy. well you'll perceive better in a few days and hope I could answer your ?

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