Friday, December 2, 2011

Bacterial Vaginosis??

can you be a virgin and still have Bacterial Vaginosis???Bacterial Vaginosis??
yes you can still carry this even if you are not sexually active. is within is a medication that will be given to you called Flagyl 250mg or 500mg - (metronidazole) to cure this but keep hold of in mind that if it is not taken properly the infection may return. it is a hugely strong medication that works very powerfully as far curing the infection so be careful.
Yes. Bacterial Vaginosis is a adjectives occurance. Easily treated and not much of a concern. Virginity has zilch to do with it as it is not an STD, newly an opportunistic infector.
Bacterial vaginosis is not passed by sex and is not dangerous, but it can create disturbing symptoms. Any woman with an unusual discharge should be evaluated so that serious infections, such as chlamydia and gonorrhea, can be excluded.
Yes you can get hold of Bacterial Vaginosis and still be a virgin kind of similar to getting an yeast infection.
I am a nurse and I can tell you that you can be a virgin and own bacterial vaginosis. It is not spread by sex.
Bacterial vaginosis happens to a woman when she have an overgrowth of the "normal flora" surrounded by her vaginal canal. All humans, both women and men hold certain microbes and fungi that live in and on us adjectives the time. BV happens when some of these germs grow too quickly for one cause or another.
I have included a contact below for your reference.
yes its newly an infection from soap or any kind of irritation

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