Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Acne scar?

I am 28 years old and hold scars on my facade from acne. I don't suffer much from acne anymore but my face is scar with big pores. Does anyone know (without surgery) what I can do to minimize the look of the scar (mederma didn't work for me) and to shrink my pores so my face is more smooth and on top form?
thanksAcne scar?
I know a few general public who have used bio grease and it has worked for them but i muse it takes a few months. one of my friends have quite bleak scars and in a minute her skin is perfect! I started using it going on for 2 weeks ago and no changes though:(
Go catch facials they will know the answers to your problem
I go grasp them I have acne scar to they work!
Pure vitamin e oil

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