Friday, October 22, 2010

Anyone get any advocate on getting horrible cold soe'd bad my lip??

i have two cold sores on my lip and they enjoy been in attendance for about a year very soon, there not that observable anymore, its just that the skin above them is a slightly paler shade compared to the rest of my lip!
i own tried all the creams i could catch my hands on but non of them worked!, when i used zovirax it get rid of them in almost 2.5 seconds but consequently they came rear in just about 2.5 seconds!
anybody get any tips?
cheers!Anyone get any advocate on getting horrible cold soe'd bad my lip??
Dab them with tea tree grease a few times a day. It will dry them up and kind them dis-appear.
Try compeed patches, in attendance are very biddable or liquorice balm is also supposed to be good
Go to the body shop and ask for the Tea tree grease in a bit tube. Works great for things like that.
They usually come from a digestive disorder and a honourable laxative will help, however I've never hear of one lasting that long. Maybe you should see a doctor.
if your have trouble getting rid of it, go to a doctor, as it may call for antibiotics... if you have tried adjectives the creams, then i would deffinatley hope medical advice. xxx

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